Long-term home noninvasive ventilation (LTHNIV) in restrictive thoracic diseases: the Italian snapshot

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Submitted: October 13, 2022
Accepted: November 19, 2022
Published: November 29, 2022
Abstract Views: 927
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Long-term home noninvasive ventilation (LTHNIV) in restrictive thoracic diseases was explored via the recently published international REINVENT ERS survey. The Italian subset of respondents (ITA-r), the highest above all participating nations, was analyzed and compared to non-Italian respondents (NO-ITA-r). The ITA-r represented 20% of the total answers examined. Ninety-four percent were physicians, whose half worked in a respiratory ICU (RICU). ITA-r mainly worked in community hospitals vs NO-ITA-r who are largely affiliated with university hospitals (p<0.0001). Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was considered the most common medical condition leading to NIV indication by both ITA-r and NO-ITA-r (93% vs 78%, p>0.5). A greater proportion of ITA-r considered MIP/MEP the most important test for NIV initiation as compared to NO-ITA-r (p<0.05). There was no significant difference for both ITA-r and NO-ITA-r as regards the other questions. This study illustrates Italian LTHNIV practices in patients with NMD and it shows some important differences with the other countries’ practices but agreement in terms of goals to achieve, reasons to initiate NIV, and practices among the two communities.



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Ethics approval

ERS scientific committee validated the survey before its submission to ERS Assembly 2.02 (NIV dedicated group)

How to Cite

Pierucci, Paola, Claudia Crimi, Annalisa Carlucci, Lavinia Palma, Alberto Noto, Giovanna Elisiana Carpagnano, and Raffaele Scala. 2022. “Long-Term Home Noninvasive Ventilation (LTHNIV) in Restrictive Thoracic Diseases: The Italian Snapshot”. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease 93 (4). https://doi.org/10.4081/monaldi.2022.2459.