Hidden biases in clinical decision-making: potential solutions, challenges, and perspectives

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Submitted: May 27, 2022
Accepted: September 2, 2022
Published: September 7, 2022
Abstract Views: 1584
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Every day, we must make decisions that range from simple and risk-free to difficult and risky. Our cognitive sources' limitations, as well as the need for speed, can frequently impair the quality and accuracy of our reasoning processes. Indeed, cognitive shortcuts lead us to solutions that are sufficiently satisfying to allow us to make quick decisions. Unfortunately, heuristics frequently misguide us, and we fall victim to biases and systematic distortions of our perceptions and judgments. Because suboptimal diagnostic reasoning processes can have dramatic consequences, the clinical setting is an ideal setting for developing targeted interventions to reduce the rates and magnitude of biases. There are several approaches to bias mitigation, some of which may be impractical. Furthermore, advances in information technology have given us powerful tools for addressing and preventing errors in health care. Recognizing and accepting the role of biases is only the first and unavoidable step toward any effective intervention proposal. As a result, our narrative review aims to present some insights on this contentious topic based on both medical and psychological literature.



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How to Cite

Vitacca, Matteo, Anna Giardini, Lidia Gazzi, and Michele Vitacca. 2022. “Hidden Biases in Clinical Decision-Making: Potential Solutions, Challenges, and Perspectives”. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease 93 (2). https://doi.org/10.4081/monaldi.2022.2339.

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