Editor’s Note
Published: September 30, 2004460PDF: 311
Original Articles
Can influence anxiety and depression the six-minute walking test performance in post-surgical heart valve patients? A pilot study
Published: September 30, 2004820PDF: 847
Cardiac Rehabilitation and resuming sexual activity
Published: September 30, 2004889PDF: 1076 -
Role of matrix metalloproteinase in the aneurismatic aortic disease
Published: September 30, 2004554PDF: 382 -
n-3 fatty acids and coronary artery disease
Published: September 30, 2004987PDF: 492 -
ESC Congress 2004: highlight on exercise and cardiac rehabilitation
Published: September 30, 2004467PDF: 427
GICR Statement
Documento di consenso La strategia di intervento nel paziente ad alto rischio cardiovascolare
Published: September 30, 2004497PDF: 363 -
Documento di consenso La Prevenzione Secondaria
Published: September 30, 2004487PDF: 380
From Regions
Is’it time to renew and potentiate the regional GICR agency?
Published: September 30, 2004438PDF: 371
7th Italian Study Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention National Congress: local host report
Published: September 30, 2004610PDF: 337