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Gupta, Rajnish, National Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, New Delhi
Gupta, Ravi, Division of Sleep Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
Gupta, Sandeep, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Unity Point Health at St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center, Sioux City, IA
Gupta, Seema , Department of Biochemistry, Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh
Gupta, Sparsh, Department of Pharmacology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Gupta, Vatsal Bhushan, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna
Gurioli, C., Dipartimento di Malattie del Torace, Ospedale Morgagni-Pierantoni, Forlì
Gurioli, C., Dipartimento Toracico, Ospedale GB Morgagni, Forlì
Gurioli, C., Interventional Pulmonology Unit, Department of Thoracic Diseases, P.L. Pierantoni, G.B. Morgagni Hospital, Forlì
Gurioli, C., U.O. Pneumologia interventistica, Dipartimento delle Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio e del Torace, Ospedale G.B.Morgagni, Forlì
Gurioli, Carlo, Department of Diseases of the Thorax, G.B. Morgagni - L. Pierantoni Hospital, Forlì
Gurrieri, Fiorella, Research Unit of Medical Genetics, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome; Operative Research Unit of Medical Genetics, Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation, Rome
Gürsel, Gül, Critical Care Fellowship Program, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara; Department of Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine, Gazi University School of Medicine, Ankara
Guzzetti, Daniela, Fondazione S. Maugeri, IRCCS - Istituto Scientifico di Tradate (VA) - Dipartimento di Medicina e Riabilitazione Cardiorespiratoria
Guzzinati, I., Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale, Sezione di Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio, University of Ferrara
Guzzinati, I., Sezione di Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio, Centro per lo Studio delle Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche delle Vie Aeree e Patologie Fumo Correlate dell’Apparato Respiratorio (CEMICEF), Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, University of Ferrara


Habashy, Omnia Y., Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University
Hachri, Hafid, World Health Organization Country Office
Haciomeroglu, O., Sureyyapasa Center for Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Investiagation Hospital, Department of Pulmonology
Hadda, Vijay, Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep Disorders, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Hadda, Vijay, Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi
Hadda, Vijay, Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Hadda, Vijay, Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Hadzhiminev, Velizar, Department of Special Surgery, Medical University, Plovdiv
Hafeez, Ahmed Abdel, Department of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
Hahn, E.G., Medical Department 1, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Erlangen
Haider, Syed Meeran, Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad
Hajjej, Sabri, Pulmonology B Department, Abderrahmen Mami Hospital, Ariana; Faculty of Medicine, El Manar University, Tunis
Hakeeme, S.S., Department of Pediatric, National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (NRITLD), Shaheed Beheshti University Of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Darabad, Tehran
Halilcolar, H., Department of Thoracic Medicine, Izmir Training and Research Hospital for Thoracic Medicine and Surgery, Izmir
Halilcolar, H., Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Suat Seren Chest Disease and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Izmir
Hallajmofrad, M., Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan
Hamad, Alaa, College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, Riyadh
Hamada, S., Department of Radiology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, University of British Columbia and Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Center
Hamdi, Besma, Pulmonology B Department, Abderrahmen Mami Hospital, Ariana; Faculty of Medicine, El Manar University, Tunis
Hameed , Hadeel K., Radiology Department, Medicine College, University of Kufa, Najaf
Hamidian, Reza, Department of Cardiology, Tehran Heart Center, Medical Sciences/University of Tehran, Tehran
Hamzaoui, Agnès, Pulmonology B Department, Abderrahmen Mami Hospital, Ariana; Faculty of Medicine, El Manar University, Tunis
Han, Liying, Department of Pathology, Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY
Handa, Neha, Department of Nursing, Post Graduate Institute of Nursing Education and Research, Chandigarh
Handu, Shailendra, Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh
Hansen, Dominique, Hasselt University, REVAL Rehabilitation Research Centre, BIOMED Biomedical Research Centre
Hantous, Saoussen, Department of Radiology, Abderrahmane Mami Hospital, Ariana
Hantous, Saoussen, Department of Radiology, Abderrahmane Mami Hospital, Ariana; Faculty of Medicine, University El Manar of Tunis
Haque, Qazi Faizanul, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Government Medical College, Kota
Haqzad, Yama, Department of Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Castle Hill Hospital, Hull
Hari, Deepak T, Department of interventional Pulmonology, Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore
Harky, Amer, Department of Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
Harris, Kassem, Westchester Medical Center, Section of Interventional Pulmonology
Harrison, N.K., Respiratory Unit, Morriston Hospital, Swansea - College of Medicine, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, UK

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