Search Results
Found 26 items.
Resistance training and sarcopenia
Published: June 22, 201625348PDF: 14204 -
Exercise training in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published: October 14, 201611993PDF: 3001 -
Exercise training improves erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients with metabolic syndrome on phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors
Published: December 30, 20132139PDF: 1099 -
New paradigm of treatment with statins in cardiovascular prevention
Published: January 19, 2016761PDF: 367 -
Inflammatory syndrome after thoracic aortic endoprothesis implantation associated with cortico-surrenal adenoma
Published: March 30, 2005660PDF: 410 -
Anti remodeling therapy: new strategies and future perspective in post-ischemic heart failure: Part I
Published: November 24, 20151525PDF: 1105 -
Psychosocial risk factors in cardiac practice
Published: February 1, 20161071PDF: 786 -
Association of diet, exercise, and smoking modification with risk of early cardiovascular events after acute coronary syndromes
Published: December 23, 2015761PDF: 726 -
Post-traumatic stress disorder, emotional processing and Inappropriate Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Shocks: clinical consideration by a single case report
Published: December 1, 20151328PDF: 791 -
Role of smokers in the household and of cardiac rehabilitation in smoking behaviour after acute myocardial infarction
Published: June 30, 2005921PDF: 459 -
Exercise training reduces high mobility group box-1 protein levels in women with breast cancer: findings from the DIANA-5 study
Published: August 20, 20151823PDF: 1252 -
Letter to members - From GICR to IACPR-GICR: continuity and innovation - Greetings from President 2008-2010
Published: January 26, 2016518PDF: 429 -
The polycystic ovary syndrome: an example of obesity-related cardiovascular complication affecting young women
Published: February 5, 20161373PDF: 952 -
Efficacy of Telecardiology in improving the results of Cardiac Rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction
Published: February 5, 20162360PDF: 1230 -
Letter of Editors of Monaldi 2006-2011
Published: December 4, 2015687PDF: 467 -
Exercise training modalities in chronic heart failure: does high intensity aerobic interval training make the difference?
Published: October 14, 20166319PDF: 3964 -
Il Monaldi Archives: un rinnovato strumento di comunicazione ed informazione della Cardiologia Riabilitativa
Published: February 5, 2016784PDF: 470 -
Documento di consenso La strategia di intervento nel paziente ad alto rischio cardiovascolare
Published: September 30, 2004497PDF: 363 -
Anti remodeling therapy: new strategies and future perspective in post-ischemic heart failure. Part II
Published: November 24, 20151851PDF: 1300 -
Cardiovascular complications of obesity
Published: February 4, 20161577PDF: 822 -
The role of echocardiography in SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a compromise among appropriateness, safety and clinical impact
Published: May 19, 20201450PDF: 795 -
Takotsubo syndrome in a young woman during puerperium: case report
Published: December 9, 20151053PDF: 577 -
COVID-19 pandemic: what consequences for cardiac rehabilitation?
Published: April 16, 20204365PDF: 2424
1 - 26 of 26 items