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Found 9 items.
Cardiac rehabilitation is safe and effective also in the elderly, but don't forget about drugs!
Published: June 22, 20162128PDF: 1044 -
Barriers to cardiac rehabilitation access of older heart failure patients and strategies for better implementation
Published: June 22, 20163630PDF: 1879 -
Smoking cessation interventions after Acute Coronary Syndromes. Results of a cross-sectional survey in the Lazio Region of Italy
Published: December 1, 2015922PDF: 557 -
Cardiovascular Risk Profile and Lifestyle Habits in a Cohort of Italian Cardiologists. Results of the SOCRATES Survey
Published: November 25, 20151361PDF: 700 -
After ACC/AHA and ESC Guidelines Pre-operative cardiological evaluation in non-cardiac surgery: certainties, controversial areas and opportunities for a team approach
Published: December 9, 20151627PDF: 1015 -
From risk charts to guidelines: tools for evaluation and management of cardiovascular risk
Published: February 5, 2016729PDF: 434 -
Management strategies and choice of antithrombotic treatment in patients admitted with acute coronary syndrome - Executive summary for clinical practice
Published: November 25, 20151202PDF: 716 -
Critical issues in megatrials on new oral anticoagulants. Rocket AF: applying results to low risk patients
Published: November 25, 2015981PDF: 629 -
Awareness and appropriateness of the management of preclinical heart failure in outpatient clinics in Italy: Insights from the VASTISSIMO study - EValuation of the AppropriateneSs of The preclInical phase (Stage A and Stage B) of Heart FaIlure Management in Outpatient Clinics in Italy
Published: March 20, 20191726PDF: 976Supplementary: 0
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