Search Results
Found 14 items.
Endothelial function as a marker of pre-clinical atherosclerosis: assessment techniques and clinical implications
Published: November 25, 20151778PDF: 1691 -
Evaluation of endothelial function and cardiovascular risk in non-obese patients with slight degree of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Published: December 5, 20171468PDF: 1179 -
Flow mediated dilation in patient with Berlin Heart Incor left ventricle assist device
Published: January 26, 2016666PDF: 425 -
Hyperhomocysteinemia in developing age and nutritional aspects of folates: an early cardiovascular risk factor
Published: February 4, 2016888PDF: 796 -
Endothelial progenitor cells and vascular health: effects of lifestyle’s modifications
Published: December 1, 20151154PDF: 811 -
Endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetic patients with normal coronary arteries. A peripheral arterial tonometry study
Published: December 3, 20151202PDF: 547 -
Endothelial dysfunction in COVID-19 patients assessed with Endo-PAT2000
Published: February 17, 20222084PDF: 492 -
Obesity and ischemic heart disease. Is there a link between wellness’ diseases?
Published: December 9, 20151137PDF: 840 -
n-3 fatty acids and coronary artery disease
Published: September 30, 2004987PDF: 492 -
Prevention of left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction: efficacy of physical training
Published: January 26, 20161003PDF: 993 -
Erythropoietin: a new perspective in cardiovascular therapy
Published: January 26, 20161025PDF: 1261 -
The polycystic ovary syndrome: an example of obesity-related cardiovascular complication affecting young women
Published: February 5, 20161373PDF: 953 -
Exercise training modalities in chronic heart failure: does high intensity aerobic interval training make the difference?
Published: October 14, 20166319PDF: 3964 -
Macro- and microvascular functions in cystic fibrosis adults without cardiovascular risk factors: A case-control study
Published: May 20, 20192106PDF: 1240
1 - 14 of 14 items