Search Results
Found 139 items.
Comparing the effect of cardiac biomarkers on the outcome of normotensive patients with acute pulmonary embolism
Published: May 18, 20171442PDF: 775 -
Red cell distribution width and chronic heart failure: prognostic role beyond echocardiographic parameters
Published: June 22, 20161902PDF: 924 -
Best practice in psychological activities in cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation: Position Paper
Published: July 2, 20185452PDF: 2754 -
Psychological profiles derived by cluster analysis of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and long term clinical outcome after coronary artery by pass grafting
Published: December 3, 20151184PDF: 568 -
Type D personality impairs Quality of Life, coping and short-term psychological outcome in patients attending an outpatient intensive program of cardiac rehabilitation
Published: December 22, 20151730PDF: 1193 -
Association of HLA antigens with the clinical course of sarcoidosis and familial disease
Published: September 27, 20171899PDF: 715 -
Clinical and prognostic significance of muscle biopsy in sarcoidosis
Published: April 30, 20181544PDF: 597 -
Volitional rehabilitative assessments in patients admitted in a post-intensive care step down unit. A feasibility study
Published: May 18, 20171418PDF: 869 -
Clinical features, management and in-hospital outcome of ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in young adults under 40 years of age
Published: January 20, 20162524PDF: 1301 -
Prognostic impact of digoxin use for rate control of atrial fibrillation in patients ≥75 years of age
Published: June 7, 20183055PDF: 550 -
A survey on hospitalised communityacquired pneumonia in Italy
Published: February 15, 20161007PDF: 454 -
Clinical profile, risk factors, disease severity, and outcome for COVID-19 disease in patients with tuberculosis on treatment under the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program: a cohort of 1400 patients
Published: November 8, 2024726PDF_EARLY VIEW: 87SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 6 -
Staff training influence on non-invasive ventilation outcome for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure
Published: February 11, 20161375PDF: 905 -
Measuring change in rehabilitative cardiology: reliability of a short questionnaire to assess an outcome
Published: December 1, 20151090PDF: 655 -
Do catastrophic costs impact treatment outcomes in people with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in the Republic of Moldova?
Published: January 14, 20211098PDF: 544Supplementary: 99 -
Standards and outcome measures in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation. Position Paper GICR/IACPR
Published: December 1, 20151899PDF: 2219 -
Prognostic impact of frailty in elderly cardiac surgery patients
Published: July 18, 20172135PDF: 1130 -
Factors associated with unfavourable treatment outcomes among people with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Armenia, 2014-2017
Published: January 14, 20211274PDF: 625 -
Factors affecting the treatment outcome of injection based shorter MDR-TB regimen at a referral centre in India
Published: October 5, 20221796PDF: 467 -
Treatment of mitral regurgitation
Published: July 18, 20171483PDF: 683 -
Can influence anxiety and depression the six-minute walking test performance in post-surgical heart valve patients? A pilot study
Published: September 30, 2004820PDF: 847 -
Standards of care and clinical predictors in patients hospitalised for a COPD exacerbation - The Italian SOS (Stratification Observational Study)
Published: January 21, 2016991PDF: 542 -
No positive effect of rhdnase on the pulmonary colonization in children with cystic fibrosis
Published: January 19, 2016703PDF: 436 -
Association of cycle threshold values of CBNAAT with severity and outcome in COVID-19
Published: July 21, 20211865PDF: 877 -
APAP titration in patients with mild to moderate OSAS and periodic limb movement syndrome
Published: February 10, 2016640PDF: 514 -
Risk factors and outcome of antenatally diagnosed congenital diaphragmatic hernia following in-utero transfer in a busy public-sector tertiary care center in North India
Published: April 30, 2024532PDF_EARLY VIEW: 165 -
Prolonged hospitalisation for immigrants and high risk patients with positive smear pulmonary tuberculosis
Published: December 10, 2015846PDF: 521 -
Observational case-control study of non-invasive ventilation in patients with ARDS
Published: January 26, 2016871PDF: 568 -
Factors associated with unfavourable treatment outcomes in people with HIV-associated tuberculosis in Armenia, 2015 to 2019
Published: January 14, 20211139PDF: 578 -
Current activities of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in the ambulatory setting of the Lombardy Region
Published: June 22, 20161193PDF: 514 -
Preoperative evaluation before non cardiac surgery in subjects older than 65 years
Published: August 19, 20151402PDF: 1772 -
Effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in survivors of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Role of vaccination
Published: September 18, 2023783PDF: 35 -
Cardiac surgery in the elderly: What goals of care?
Published: July 18, 20171864PDF: 933 -
Which impact for proton pump inhibitors in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia
Published: October 19, 20211197PDF: 546 -
Preoperative risk evaluation in patients over 75 years candidates to non-cardiac and cardiac surgery
Published: July 18, 20171561PDF: 920 -
The measure of effectiveness of a short-term 2-week intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation program in decreasing levels of anxiety and depression
Published: January 29, 20182152PDF: 1039 -
Are clinical trial results transferable in the real life?
Published: June 22, 20161294PDF: 582 -
Type A Acute Aortic Dissection in Nonagenarian: Rare but Possible
Published: February 1, 2016938PDF: 458 -
CHARGE syndrome and congenital heart diseases: systematic review of literature
Published: September 6, 20232054PDF: 225SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 8 -
Evolution of surgical techniques for a progressive risk reduction
Published: July 18, 20171195PDF: 531 -
Cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation in the elderly: evidence for cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction or chronic heart failure
Published: June 22, 20167978PDF: 5142 -
BNP-guided therapy optimizes the timing of discharge and the medium term risk stratification in patients admitted for congestive heart failure
Published: February 1, 20161048PDF: 661 -
High blood pressure in older subjects with cognitive impairment
Published: June 22, 20161381PDF: 932 -
The impact of gender in cardiovascular medicine: Lessons from the gender/sex-issue in heart failure
Published: October 11, 20182145PDF: 1274 -
Blood indices, in-hospital outcome and short-term prognosis in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia
Published: April 20, 20213172PDF: 666 -
Study of risk factors and clinical management of patients with clinical non-response due to low plasma levels of anti-tubercular drugs
Published: July 23, 2024446PDF_EARLY VIEW: 154 -
Hyperhomocysteinemia in developing age and nutritional aspects of folates: an early cardiovascular risk factor
Published: February 4, 2016888PDF: 796 -
Impact of children’s respiratory allergies on caregivers
Published: December 30, 2005621PDF: 557