Search Results
Found 52 items.
Echocardiographic evaluation of diastolic dysfunction in young and healthy patients with psoriasis: A case-control study
Published: September 4, 20181598PDF: 823 -
Cardiovascular Risk Profile and Lifestyle Habits in a Cohort of Italian Cardiologists. Results of the SOCRATES Survey
Published: November 25, 20151362PDF: 700 -
Treatment of very old patients with non valvular atrial fibrillation. The valuable opportunity offered by New Oral Anticoagulants, to be cautiously used
Published: December 30, 20131669PDF: 950 -
New perspectives in cardiovascular risk reduction: focus on HDL
Published: November 25, 20151145PDF: 674 -
Family history of cardiovascular disease as a risk factor for coronary artery disease in adult offspring
Published: January 26, 20161485PDF: 870 -
Is obesity still a coronary risk factor?
Published: February 1, 20161139PDF: 694 -
Are Hospitalizations for Percutaneous Coronary Procedures Missed Opportunities for Teaching Rules of Secondary Prevention?
Published: February 3, 2016614PDF: 413 -
Tobacco and tuberculosis
Published: January 26, 20161076PDF: 677 -
Risk factors for tuberculosis
Published: March 30, 20054506PDF: 2956 -
Early cardiovascular involvement in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Published: January 22, 20161018PDF: 676 -
Obstructive sleep apnea: one more target in cardiac rehabilitation
Published: August 21, 20151613PDF: 837 -
Hyperhomocysteinemia in developing age and nutritional aspects of folates: an early cardiovascular risk factor
Published: February 4, 2016888PDF: 796 -
Cardiovascular complications of obesity
Published: February 4, 20161577PDF: 822 -
High blood pressure in older subjects with cognitive impairment
Published: June 22, 20161381PDF: 932 -
Arterial hypertension: which targets in over-75-year people?
Published: June 22, 20161626PDF: 875 -
Stromelysin-1 polymorphism as a new potential risk factor in progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Published: January 25, 2016877PDF: 433 -
Gene polymorphisms and risk of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published: October 29, 2024854PDF_EARLY VIEW: 208SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 11 -
Risk factors and outcome of antenatally diagnosed congenital diaphragmatic hernia following in-utero transfer in a busy public-sector tertiary care center in North India
Published: April 30, 2024532PDF_EARLY VIEW: 166 -
COPD and tobacco smoke
Published: December 30, 20054245PDF: 2102 -
Raised homocystein plasma concentration in patients with Heart Failure: clinical significance
Published: February 1, 2016758PDF: 743 -
Androgens and cardiac diseases
Published: December 30, 20131115PDF: 802 -
What to do after cardiac rehabilitation programs: the role of the general practitioner in cardiovascular prevention
Published: October 14, 20161813PDF: 956 -
Assessment of plasma homocysteine levels in shift healthcare workers
Published: January 26, 2016851PDF: 708 -
The role of Neopterin in cardiovascular disease
Published: February 1, 20162694PDF: 887 -
Homocysteine and atrial fibrillation: novel evidences and insights
Published: April 20, 20221894PDF: 710 -
Awareness and appropriateness of the management of preclinical heart failure in outpatient clinics in Italy: Insights from the VASTISSIMO study - EValuation of the AppropriateneSs of The preclInical phase (Stage A and Stage B) of Heart FaIlure Management in Outpatient Clinics in Italy
Published: March 20, 20191729PDF: 976Supplementary: 0 -
Parental history as a independent risk factor of coronary heart disease in patients under 60 years of age
Published: January 26, 2016497PDF: 405 -
Endovascular treatment of carotid artery stenosis: evidences from randomized controlled trials and actual indications
Published: December 4, 20151218PDF: 771 -
Prevalence and severity of airway obstruction in an Italian adult population
Published: June 30, 2005563PDF: 407 -
Type D personality impairs Quality of Life, coping and short-term psychological outcome in patients attending an outpatient intensive program of cardiac rehabilitation
Published: December 22, 20151730PDF: 1193 -
Impaired glycemic control as a risk factor for reduced lung function in the Indian diabetic population
Published: July 24, 2024454PDF_EARLY VIEW: 102 -
Exploring the role of Aspergillus galactomannan antigen in assessing the risk factor of acute exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: a cross-sectional study
Published: September 12, 2024323PDF_EARLY VIEW: 113 -
Covid-19 and ex-smokers: an underestimated prognostic factor?
Published: July 15, 20201274PDF: 649 -
Mucus production and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a possible treatment target: zooming in on N-acetylcysteine
Published: January 14, 2025569PDF: 227 -
COVID-19 and restrictive lung disease: A deadly combo to trip off the fine balance
Published: June 29, 20205008PDF: 1804 -
COVID-19 pneumonia in kyphoscoliosis: The success stories
Published: September 16, 20211560PDF: 603 -
Pulmonary embolism and gastric bleed with disseminated mucormycosis - treading dangerous waters
Published: November 25, 20221043PDF: 163 -
Diastolic dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis: a usual travel-mate?
Published: September 10, 20191291PDF: 805 -
Sleep-disordered breathing and heart failure: a vicious cycle of cardiovascular risk
Published: September 1, 20231320PDF: 158 -
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus: A risk factor for post COVID fibrosis
Published: January 25, 20211926PDF: 1439 -
Splenic artery aneurysm in Sjögren’s syndrome
Published: July 8, 20191267PDF: 807 -
Role of interleukin-4 receptor α polymorphism in patients with asthma and its correlation with asthma severity
Published: January 27, 2025204PDF_EARLY VIEW: 131 -
Clinical features and prognostic significance of splenic involvement in sarcoidosis
Published: December 21, 20171793PDF: 919 -
Willingness to pay for a tobacco-free life: a contingent valuation assessment
Published: August 30, 2024338PDF_EARLY VIEW: 116SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: 17 -
Takotsubo syndrome and pheochromocytoma: an insidious combination
Published: March 9, 20211318PDF: 698 -
Smoking cessation among tuberculosis patients during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic
Published: April 24, 2024470PDF_EARLY VIEW: 218